Friday, January 8, 2010

What information should I include when making my will?

I do not have children, but do have a husband with two boys. I have 2 sisters, 2 brothers and 1 step sister. I have 2 nieces, 1 nephew and also a step niece and nephew. I have some property that I do not want sub divided and thought about a land trust or conservency. I want to be prepared before I see my attorney. Any help or direction would be appreciated and much thanks to all who take time to answer.What information should I include when making my will?
I'm glad you are going to see an attorney and not attempt to do this without a consultation. I'm not sure what state you live in. It may affect how your will will be written. Also, you may consider a living trust etc. depending on your situation.

Bring the following to your appointment: 1. Asset inventory. 2. identify your family relationships. 3. Copies of your statements, deeds, etc., 4. Identify any will witnesses that you want (someone disinterested that could testify in probate that you were competent when you signed the will). 5. And, if your husband is doing a mutual will (his information). 6. A copy of your existing or previous will if you are making a codicil or updating an existing will. For your asset inventory, write down headings and details for each asset that you own in part or wholly own. For example, 1. REAL PROPERTY (give the address and identify your interest and all owners and how you own it), 2. BANK ACCOUNTS (bank address, account owners, etc.), 3. SAFE DEPOSIT BOX, 4. IRAS/401K (who are the beneficiaries), 5. LIFE INSURANCE (company, amount, policy#, beneficiary), 6. VEHICLES,

7. PERSONAL ITEMS (Furniture, collections, etc.).

Hope this helps.... You husband may also wish to do a guardianship if his boys are minor children.What information should I include when making my will?
Try using this templated service

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