Sunday, December 27, 2009

What are the best tips for making pics look professional?

Other than the lighting, of course... what are some tips to make photos look really professional? I think my pics look good subject-wise, but then I look at photographers websites and theirs look different. It is almost like mine are ';glossy'; and theirs are ';matte,'; even though it's digital of course. What are the best tips for making pics look professional?
If there were a simple formula for making professional-looking pictures, we wouldn't need professional photographers. One common problem less skillful photographers suffer is the ease with which digital cameras blow out the highlights. Might that be what is giving your pictures that ';glossy'; look? Many cameras have an advanced display mode that will flash those blown-out highlights. Underexposing by a half-stop more or less will often eliminate the blinkies and give a more saturated look to the color.What are the best tips for making pics look professional?
You are trying to eliminate the obvious.

How can you ask the question then remove the answer?

Professional images look professional because of mastery of light... it's that simple and you're trying to trick us.

There is no simple ';tip'; or ';trick'; to great photography. The only ';tip'; is years of experience and understanding of light and composition. Nothing more.

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